中でも、1970年前後のイヴ・サンローランの衣装は不朽の名作(緻密なラメのミニ・ドレスやジャンプスーツ、宝石のような飾り鋲を全体に打った豪華なジーンズ上下など)。サンローランが舞台衣装に傾倒していた時代だ。1968年から1973年頃までシルヴィの衣装を担当。ダンサーを率いて全身で踊るダイナミックなシーンが印象的なシルヴィ・ヴァルタンのステージ。サンローランは、そのシルヴィのロック・ポップ音楽とダンスを融合した斬新な公演内容に合わせて多様な衣装をデザイン(デザイン画:サンローラン美術館パリ MUSEE YVES SAINT LAURENT PARIS)。その衣装はシルヴィの麗しく大胆な動きや照明効果などによって、ステージで命が吹き込まれた。
「シルヴィ・ヴァルタンとモード展 SYLVIE VARTAN, REVUE DE MODE は、シルヴィの40年間のステージ活動(芸歴)を一望する展覧会と言える。展示された時代もスタイルも素材も異なる数々の衣装は、彼女の動的で大掛かりな公演を体験した人達には遥かに眩く見えたはず。単なるモード展を超えて当時の壮大なステージが鮮明に目の前で展開したと想像する。
Sylvie Vartan at L'Olympia Paris 1972 in blue lame dress by YVES SAINT LAURENT
photo by Gerard Houin from : "AGENDA 2005 - Les robes de Sylvie Vartan"
(sold during the exposition for the benefit of Association Sylvie Vartan pour la Bulgarie.)
Catalogue "Sylvie Vartan, Revue de Mode"- pages 152/153, left: Palais des Congres de Paris 1977
in Bob Mackie/ right: In New York 1964 (photos: Sylvie Vartan by Helmut Newton/ Jean-Marie Perier)
Catalogue "Sylvie Vartan, Revue de Mode"- pages 62/63 Sylvie Vartan in ELLE/VOGUE 1969-1973
(photos: Sylvie Vartan by Guy Bourdin, Helmut Newton/ Jean-Loup Sieff, Helmut Newton/ costume: Yves Saint-Laurent)
Catalogue "Sylvie Vartan, Revue de Mode"- pages 112/113, right: Sylvie Vartan in VOGUE 11/1972
(Dress by Bob Mackie for Concert Palais des Sports 1982/ Lame jumpsuit by Yves Saint Laurent for Concert Olympia Paris 1972)
photo : among the merchandise of the exposition, including replica of the turquoise necklace that
Sylvie Vartan adored just before and around the debut of her career, summer of 1961 to 1964 (16 to 19 years old).
She says it was a bonbon-like plastic necklace that she saw through a shopwindow and loved at first sight.
photos above : 20 years old Sylvie Vartan 1965, working on Creation Sylvie Vartan/ Sylvie Vartan 1967
Sylvie Vartan in TV F3, 22 Dec. 2021, the year of her 60th active stage career.
Sylvie sings Les Vents Contraires (from the 50th original album / release: 10/2021)
Sylvie Vartan 1977 - a beautiful original song Je croyais from her album recorded 1976.
Ho ! what's missing out in this film is : Closeup full-length portrait of Sylvie !!
シルヴィ・ヴァルタン 1977 (曲: 1976年アルバム「愛のひとりごと」収録曲)
Two photos below : Sylvie Vartan in Paris, 15/11/1994. (taken by a friend of mine)
photos above/right : Sylvie Vartan in short hair (new look!) in late 1990s.
above/from French magazine GALA : Interview with Sylvie Vartan in 1997.
She always loves sneakers, with socks.
During her first Japan concert tour in May 1965 at 20,
she already weared American sport shoes outside the stage.
right/in 1996
photos above/left to right - Sylvie Vartan's iconic look in early 1970s: In a long light blue striped T-shirt/ Sylvie wearing her favorite white ruffled-collar blouse and also her TRINITY arrives at Tokyo Haneda Airport in early May 1971 (her 2nd Japan concert tour)/ In her favorite romantic long dress with patchwork of KENZO, revealing feminity.
Sylvie Vartan in le Smoking bleu (tuxedo) with her favorite white blouse on French TV 1972
Sylvie Vartan EP album 1972 (4 songs/RCA France)
- This blue jeans & denim jacket look the same one Sylvie wore at L'Olympia Paris 1970 (Sept 1970),
which she got during her stay in NYC in 1970.(Just look at the Album live SYLVIE A L'OLYMPIA.)
photo: Sylvie Vartan in 2009
VANITY FAIR Italia no.23/12/2009.
photo: Sylvie Vartan in Paris 1999, with short hair !
ELLE France no. 25/10/1999 : Jean-Paul Gaultier creates her costume for Olympia 26/10-14/11/1999.
photo: Sylvie Vartan in Dior, in Paris 1983
ELLE France 02/05/1983 (no. 1947)
1983, the year of Sylvie Vartan with 11 week-non stop long-run show at Palais des Congres de Paris.
A blue grey look, Le style Vartan!
photo: Sylvie Vartan in French TV 1975. (Dress by Dior for Palais des Congres de Paris 1975)
photo: Sylvie Vartan (1970) on French magazine of 1971. (Jumpsuit by Yves Saint-Laurent for L'Olympia Paris in Sept. 1970.
photo: Sylvie Vartan (age 26) in Yves Saint-Laurent, Dec. 1970
(by Helmut Newton for ELLE France no. 21/12/1970) in Japanese magazine "an an" (like today's ELLE Japon) - Report from Paris : BRAVO! Sylvie. Neige et Soleil.
In appearance Sylvie Vartan is impressive, and yet she is unassuming. Her distinctive eyes and gaze.
写真上: 1970年12月21日号の仏誌 ELLE(エル)の表紙を飾ったシルヴィ・ヴァルタン(26歳)。衣装はイヴ・サンローラン Yves Saint-Laurent。そのヘルムート・ニュートン(Helmut Newton/1920-2004) 撮影の写真が日本の雑誌 an an(アン・アン/1971)に複数ページ掲載されたもの。これは私が最近入手したその切抜きで、シルヴィ・ヴァルタンらしさが良く表れた写真なので特に気に入っている。