シルヴィ・ヴァルタンは、1990年に恵まれない子供たちの支援を主目的とした人道救済非営利団体を設立。以来、地道に活動を続け、社会活動家としても知られる。本の売上金は全てその人道救済、 "シルヴィ・ヴァルタン・プール・ブルガリィ" Association Sylvie Vartan pour La Bulgarie に送られるとのこと。
photo right: Expo catalogue "Sylvie Vartan, revue de mode" - 2004 Palais Galliera, Musee de la Mode, Paris.
写真右: 2004年10月から2005年2月までパリで開催された 「シルヴィ・ヴァルタンとモード展」 カタログ - パリ・ガリエラ美術館発行
特に、シルヴィ自身がニューヨーク長期滞在中に初めて構想したという1970年や1972年の画期的ポップ・ロック公演は、シルヴィ・ヴァルタンの半世紀を超えるステージ活動成功の布石になったと言える。当時、舞台衣装に熱心だったイヴ・サンローラン(YVES SAINT LAURENT/1936-2008)の不朽の名作、ラメのジャンプスーツやミニ・ドレスを着て歌い踊るシルヴィ・ヴァルタンの魅力は時空を超える。
photo: Billboard of Sylvie Vartan Concert at L'Olympia Paris, 11 April 2015 (photo by Patrick Simonin, French TV journalist)
シルヴィは、2015年2月から2013年に続いてナッシュヴィルで新譜録音に入っていてアルバムはまだ制作中だが本公演で5曲ほど初披露。昨年2014年のフォリー・ベルジェール劇場公演同様に2013年録音盤 "SYLVIE IN NASHVILLE"(邦題: シルヴィ・イン・ナッシュビル) がテーマ。しかしよりロックな、よりシルヴィ・ヴァルタンらしい新旧のナンバーを加えたパワフルで繊細な歌声に観客は目をまるくした風。ファン収録のヴィデオを見ても画像や音が劣ろうと鼓舞するものは感じる。
remarkable number from her 1977 album.
Sylvie Vartan Live also lets us rediscover good songs
from her previous albums and even from other artists' !!
It is not a rare event that a book on Sylvie Vartan is published in France. But this book draws my attention because of its much nicer book cover than others. That's is, I have read with great interest Sylvie Vartan's two memoirs (2004 bestseller and 2012 issue), but unfortunately, neither of these covers seem to be really like Sylvie Vartan or among her best photos, having a reverse printing or something like that. Of course, it's what's inside that counts but if their designs were nicer, I would have wanted to well display on my bookshelf. I'm looking forward to Sylvie Vartan's next book on her mother with most attractive cover art ever to also stand out from the crowd.
30. 09. 2015 on French TV (Paris Premiere) - Sylvie Vartan Documentary "SYLVIE RACONTE VARTAN"
Sylvie Vartan 1960s - 2015
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French magazine TELE POCHE no. 31.08.2015 - Interview of Sylvie Vartan at her L.A residence.
Exclusive video - Sylvie Vartan in Beverly Hills, L.A, Summer 2015
Exclusive Interview/video - Sylvie Vartan in L.A, Summer 2015
(Interview by journalist Franck Ragaine for French magazine Tele Star.)
French magazine PARIS MATCH no. 27.08.2015 - Interview of Sylvie Vartan in L.A
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JULY 2015, recording studio in Paris, lovery Sylvie Vartan with her musicians
photo from Sylvie Vartan official facebook.
Sylvie Vartan started in July on another new album that will be released in Nov. 2015. It's a retake of her songs inspired by her cities, or roots - L.A, Paris and Sofia. She will be recording it in those cities.
Aside from the topic, Sylvie Vartan always with her small animals since her childhood - dogs, cats and a white rabbit when she was around two years old. Each scene always makes me smile, eapecially Sylvie with Moliere, a humain-like dog smiling with her, in 1960s.
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04. 07. 2015 French magazine GALA - Sylvie Vartan in L.A, California
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11. 06. 2015 LE PARISIEN - Interview at Sylvie Vartan's residence in Paris (on 02. 06. 2015)
Sylvie Vartan received Isabelle Mergault (actress, writer-director) at her residence in Paris for an interview given to a French journal Le Parisien. It's about the ongoing new project, their theater play at Theatre des Varietes, one of the oldest theaters in Paris. It's said the two artists had never met before the project.
From 18 Sept. 2015 at Theatre des Varietes - 7, Boulevard Montmartre, 75002 PARIS
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25. 04. 2015 French TV F2 - Interview of Sylvie Vartan at Olympia (on 2015 11. 04. 2015)
Sylvie Vartan, maybe at backstage of Olympia Paris, on the first day of her 2-day concert at Olympia for the first time in five years, receives a journalist of French TV F2.
We can also see in this report Sylvie Vartan sing in the legendary 1964 show at this historic concert hall where Sylvie Vartan, 19-year-old rising star, was with The Beatles. (Sylvie's first Japan tour was in 1965 and The Beatles in 1966.)
I realize that her brilliant big eyes like a young deer are always the same in the same way as this impression of being spontaneous and intriguing she gives us, which is especially evident in this interview.
Sylvie Vartan loves to create a new show and interact directly with her audience. Music, it's about "passion" for her, as once responded Sylvie in Sept 1990 Paris interview on a Japansese TV programme "Music My Love", which was broadcasted in Jan 1991. (musical programme featuring world-wide artists).